April 1, 2024

Ed Partners Perspectives

Building Early Math Coherence

The Aromas-San Juan Unified School (ASJUSD) district is engaged in Year 1 of our third preschool to 3rd grade mathematics coherence collaboration (P3CC). The improvement team is represented by two schools, Aromas School and San Juan School, both TK-8th. The team has engaged in aligning their curriculum to grade level standards to better support students in mastering mathematical concepts. In addition, the ASJUSD team has integrated counting collections as part of their use of open tasks to promote student engagement and conversations about mathematics. They are currently identifying high-level demand questions to use formatively assess student understanding of the concepts taught in their curriculum units. The team works collaboratively to test out these research-based practices to see how they will ultimately impact student learning. The ASJUSD team continue to push the work forward as they begin to develop plans to scaled their learning across their district.

Superintendent Leadership & Learning

Superintendents from across the state gathered to build their leadership capacity and support the work of the P3CC and On Track teams. Participants took time to dig into the work in teams where they were able to share successes and find solutions for challenges in their districts. Bolstered by expert analysis from Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), superintendents left excited for the opportunities to come.